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The purpose of aluminum strip

* : * : admin * : 2023-03-18 14:12:00 * : 72
Aluminum tape has many uses, such as aluminum plastic composite pipes, cables, optical cables, transformers, heaters, louvers, and so on.
In situations where 1060 requires high corrosion resistance and formability, but does not require high strength, chemical equipment is its typical use.
1100 is used for processing parts that require good formability and high corrosion resistance but do not require high strength, such as chemical products, food industry devices and storage containers, sheet metal processing parts, deep drawing or spinning concave vessels, welded components, heat exchangers, printed boards, nameplates, reflective devices.
3004 plate, thick plate, stretch tube. As long as the extruded tube is used for the entire aluminum can body, it requires higher components than 3003 alloy, chemical product production and storage devices, sheet metal processing parts, building baffles, cable ducts, sewers, and various lighting components.
3003 plates and strips. Foil material. Thick plate, stretch tube. Squeeze tube. Type. Great. Wire. Cold worked bars, cold worked wires, rivet wires, forgings, foils, and heat sink materials are mainly used for processing components that require good formability, high corrosion resistance, or good weldability, or for workpieces that require higher strength than 1 * * series alloys, such as tanks and tanks for transporting liquids, pressure tanks, storage devices, heat exchangers, chemical equipment, aircraft fuel tanks, oil ducts, reflective panels, kitchen equipment, etc, Washing machine cylinder body, rivets, welding wires.
5052 alloy has good formability, corrosion resistance, candlestick resistance, fatigue strength, and moderate static strength. It is used in the manufacturing of aircraft fuel tanks, oil pipes, as well as sheet metal parts for transportation vehicles and ships, instruments, street lamp brackets and rivets, hardware products, etc.
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