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Processing Technology of Aluminum Strip

* : * : admin * : 2023-09-13 14:13:22 * : 61
Aluminum strip is an aluminum deep processing product formed by cutting and processing aluminum coils. It is an important raw material in industry.
According to the different alloy elements contained in the aluminum strip, the aluminum strip and aluminum plate are also divided into 8 series. However, the commonly used series are 100030005000 and 8000 series.
According to the different annealing states of aluminum strips, they can be divided into fully soft (o state), semi hard (H24), and fully hard (h18). The most commonly used ones should belong to the fully soft series, as the O state is easier to stretch and bend.
The main processing equipment for aluminum strips is the slitting unit, which can be divided into the required length and width according to needs. Of course, the equipment for strip processing is universal and can also process copper coils. The processed products are called copper strips.
The international market no longer relies solely on copper strips for the raw materials of electronic products. Due to the fact that aluminum's conductivity is only lower than copper, replacing copper strips with aluminum strips is becoming a popular trend internationally.
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